In 1897 Hastings barber George Chapman called at a chemist shop at 66 High Street and purchased enough poison to kill 40 people. He began to torture his first victim in Hastings and finished her off in London. By the time he was caught he had killed three times.
Chief Inspector Abberline, who had hunted Jack the Ripper back in 1888, told the arresting officer: 'You've got Jack the Ripper at last!'
Chapman was hanged, but was Abberline correct? This detailed and analytical biography investigates Chapman's life and known crimes, and seeks to answer that intriguing question.
292 pages, 156mm x 234mm
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‘A superbly researched, well-written, definitive biography.’ Paul Begg
‘Helena has justifiably and deservedly established herself as the leading authority on Chapman’s life.’ Keith Skinner
‘Impressive and meticulous research. This is the type of book which all true crime authors should aspire to.’ Wolf Vanderlinden
‘A well researched and beautifully written history.’ Stewart P. Evans
‘A work of unarguably superior merit and significance.’ Ripperologist magazine
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‘A book that no Ripperologist should be without.’ Ruby Vitorino
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‘An essential addition to any true crime library. Masterfully written and beautifully presented history.’ Paul Kearney
‘We are given a display of logical analysis, rational thinking and scrupulous fairness.’ Robin Mark
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‘Every now and then, a book erupts out of the Ripper suspect related dross that is a worthwhile example of historical research ... This is one of them!’ Steve Stanley
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‘Deserves the greatest praise. If there is a prize for the best true-crime account this year I would have no hesitation in promoting this.’ Former Metropolitan Police Detective Inspector Jack Akrigg
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‘Proof that it’s possible to produce a properly referenced and fully indexed definitive work which nonetheless remains eminently readable.’ Dave White
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